by Emily | Jun 12, 2017 | Dinner, Recipes, Savory, Soups/Stews/Chili
I really had the best intentions when I started WLFM. I told myself I’d update the blog weekly whether it was a short post about a recipe I’d made or a pattern I’d knit, or just a photo of something happening in Maine. But I got engaged. Well, I was already engaged,...
by Emily | Mar 31, 2017 | Recipes, Savory, Soups/Stews/Chili
For the few that might not know, this isn’t my first time in the blog world. Back in college I had a blog called KitcheninTransition, but after intermittently posting for five years I decided to end the blog as I didn’t really feel like it represented who...
by Emily | Mar 20, 2017 | Accessories, Patterns
If moving to Maine has taught me anything, it’s this: friends are the family that you choose. As much as I miss my family (I’m lucky enough to see them every few months) the friends that I’ve made up in Maine have really become like a second family to me. This isn’t...
by Emily | Mar 15, 2017 | Breakfast, Recipes, Sweets
I don’t know about you, but it feels like winter is never going to end. Maybe it’s the snow storm we were slapped with last night, or the fact that we’ve already gotten what feels like a taste of spring with 40-50 degree days, but I know I’m ready to wear sandals and...
by Emily | Mar 8, 2017 | Accessories, Hats, Patterns
Having a yarn stash is a funny thing. It’s this weird form of hoarding that I don’t realize is happening until I’m trying to consolidate the yarn in my life and find ball after ball of well-intentioned yarn that had a purpose at some point. Not to mention the gifted...