Dad’s Chili

It’s January! Which means football playoffs! Which means as a Giants fan you’re usually going to end up somewhat disappointed or pleasantly surprised (I’m pretty sure there’s no middle ground). Especially as a Giants fan living up in Maine I tend to keep my mouth shut...

Renee’s Boot Cuffs

During the winter break of my freshman year in college I was (f)unemployed, which, to an eighteen year old who just had their first real taste of college classes, was a welcome change. I spent most of my days sitting around my parent’s house sleeping until noon and...

Dutch Babies (or, why I’m not really a grownup yet)

Sometimes, I’m really great at being an adult. I pay my bills on time, I eat fruits and vegetables, my apartment is clean, and I do my dishes the day that they get dirty. But, then there are the other times. The days when you make a batch of four cookies for dessert...

New York Style Bagels

Growing up in New York good bagels are a thing. Everyone will sit around and argue over which store has the best bagels and why your place is definitely not the best place to get a bagel from. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t had that argument at least ten times. After...