Flashback Friday: Cheater’s Cold Brew

I keep telling myself that spring is coming. It may not feel like it after getting a few inches of snow on Wednesday and the impending forecast of a few more inches certainly doesn’t hold a lot of promise, but in order to keep my sanity I need to promise myself...

Wannabe Acai Bowls

Living in Maine means I miss a lot of the food trends I was always aware of when I lived in New York. It’s most likely because I follow less New York City Food based Instagram accounts or because there aren’t shops with the latest food trend popping up left and right...

CSA Adventures: Garlic Scape Pesto

  Have you ever been wandering around the farmer’s market and found yourself in awe of some of the vegetables being sold that you’ve never seen in a grocery store before? There are things from kohlrabi to chiogga beets that you can really only find at...