I keep telling myself that spring is coming. It may not feel like it after getting a few inches of snow on Wednesday and the impending forecast of a few more inches certainly doesn’t hold a lot of promise, but in order to keep my sanity I need to promise myself that winter will end eventually. I’m itching to be able to walk out my door in sandals and a t-shirt but I’m willing to settle for a sweatshirt and vest when I can.

One of my favorite changes from winter into spring is in my morning routine. While I love making coffee in my chemex and prefer hot coffee most days, there’s something about iced coffee that carries the promise of warmer weather. To me, one of the signs that winter is over is the first batch of cold brew for the year. Sure, some people poo-poo cold brew, but my coffee snob days are (somewhat) behind me and I shamelessly admit that I like cold brew.

I’ve been making my own cold brew for years and actually shared this recipe on my old blog. A few months ago at my sister’s wedding I was chatting with one of her friends who was a big supporter of my old blog. She mentioned how much she missed this recipe and it’s about time I did!

This recipe is astoundingly simple and will set your day off on the right foot every time.

Here’s what you’ll need:
- 2/3 cups coarsely ground coffee
- 3 cups water
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 tablespoons dark brown sugar
- 1 tablespoons amber agave nectar

Combine all the ingredients in a one quart container and stir. Cover the jar and refrigerate overnight.

The next morning pour the coffee through a strainer (lined with a filter) into a bowl.

If you’re not going to drink it all at once you can pour it back into the jar (after washing it out to ensure there aren’t any coffee grounds). Serve with ice and milk/cream/half & half.
Combine all the ingredients in a one quart container and stir. Cover the jar and refrigerate overnight.
The next morning pour the coffee through a strainer (lined with a filter) into a bowl.
If you’re not going to drink it all at once you can pour it back into the jar. Serve with ice and milk/cream/half & half.