Anyone that knows me knows I am a cheese lover. It’s probably right up there with “Potterhead” and “yarn fiend” under the things that most people would use to describe me. This occasionally all-encompassing obsession with cheese does come in handy from time to time, especially when the super bowl is looming nearer and nearer. You might be wondering why one of the biggest sporting events of the year (maybe the biggest? Go ahead and fact check me on snopes) could possibly have anything to do with cheese if the Green Bay Packers aren’t playing. The answer is obvious–it’s prime time to make some dip.

Growing up, ‘dip’ meant Lipton’s French Onion Soup mix swirled into a pint of sour cream and while I can still do a shameful amount of damage to French onion dip I like to think my palate has expanded a bit in my adulthood, and while any form of dip will probably be received with joy on my part I wanted to call out a few of my favorite dip recipes so you can properly plan for your party this Sunday. Yes, sitting in your pajamas and not watching any football at all without any guests over still counts as a party to me.
So without further adieu…let’s talk about dip.

Some of my favorite dip recipes are shared on my blog–they’ve traveled with me to many a party and have proven their joy-bringing powers in full force.
Greek Seven Layer Dip – This recipe is actually from my first blog and I made it for the 2012 Super Bowl (you know, the one when the Giants beat the Patriots for a second time). It’s a great alternative to some of the heavier cheese or sour cream filled dips and can even be made vegan if you want!
French Onion Dip – This is the homemade version of the classic that I grew up on–it’s got less salt and real onions and it is oh so delicious. I may have given my husband the “if you even think about coming near this dip I will find a way to stab you with this potato chip” look. Oh…you don’t have that look in your repertoire? I’ll just add it to the list of reasons why I’m a weirdo.
But there are others that I’ve made again and again (with my own spin) that I haven’t posted on here yet.
Buffalo Chicken Dip – If you haven’t tried buffalo chicken dip yet, you’re missing out. It’s one of those cracky foods that you understand is terrible for you but can’t help but eating three cups of and completely wrecking your digestive health. But it’s worth it. You’ll go back for more. And then you’ll curse yourself the next day. It’s a vicious cycle…a delicious one, but a vicious cycle nonetheless. You can make it in a crock pot like the recipe above or mix it all in a pot until it’s melted and go to town (that’s my preferred method)
Slow Cooker Spinach and Artichoke Dip – You have my sister in law to thank for this recipe. She got this recipe from one of her friends and trust me, it’s good. It’s got all the gooey, cheesy bad stuff that a dip should have, but there’s spinach and artichokes swimming around in there which means it’s healthy. Or at least healthy enough to not feel too guilty about eating.
Traditional Seven Layer Dip – This was probably the first dip that I ever really went nuts for. I can even remember the first time I tried it–we were at a party at my parent’s best friend’s house when I happened upon the appetizer table. There the seven layer dip was–covered with some iceberg lettuce pretending there wasn’t a pound of cheese, a pint of sour cream, and an entire can of refried beans underneath. If I could have taken the tray and run I probably would have. Astoundingly I still haven’t made this for the blog and I’ll definitely be remedying that this year, but until then you can enjoy the version above!
We’re not having a super bowl party this year, so I won’t be making all of these dips, but you can bet come Sunday I’ll be putting on my extra large pajama bottoms and bellying up to our coffee table while I mow down on some dip.